Develop 21st Century Skills with Robotics

Introduce students to the world of robotics. Foster creativity, critical thinking, and essential skills with engaging hands-on learning experiences.

The World is changing faster than ever before. The Changes that would happen in next 10 Years would be much higher than those in Last 100 Years. We are in a period of Great Transformation and COVID’19 has accelerated changes in Various domains Like Education, Technology, Health. Technologies Which are driving this change are

The Future of Technology and Innovation

  • Robotics and IoT

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Bio Technology

  • Tele Medicine and Remote Diagnostics

  • Virtual Reality

  • 3 D Printing

  • Cloudpointers Computing

  • Quantum Computing

  • Block Chain Technology

  • Genetic Engineering

  • Green Energy

  • Natural Language Processing

As all the industries have become technology industry , 70% of the Careers will be in domain of STEM. As per World Economic Forum New Vision for Education children today in order to be successful need to develop 21st Century Skills

Robotics is a Great Way to Enhance

21st Century Skills

Robotics helps students develop critical skills needed for the future. It promotes creativity, problem-solving, teamwork, and adaptability.

21st Century



Critical Thinking Skills

Problem-Solving Skills



Communication and Collaboration Skills

Goal Orientation and Adaptability

Accountability and Project Management Skills

Design Thinking

Persistence and


Robotics is a Great Way to Enhance

21st Century Skills

  • Scientific Literacy
  • Coding Skills
  • Critical Thinking Skills
  • Problem Solving Skills
  • Creativity
  • Curiosity
  • Communications and Collaboration Skills
  • Goal Orientation and Adaptability
  • Accountability and Project Management Skills
  • Design Thinking
  • Persistence and Grit

To Know Why Schools Should Invest in a Robotics Lab and How Robotics Helps Develop 21st Century Skills

We have partnered with Avishkaar , India's Leading Educational Robotics Kits Manufacturer, to offer End to End Solution for schools to teach Coding, Robotics, Electronics, IoT and AI . Avishkaar Offers a complete Ecosystem of DIY Kits , Curriculum , Training and Competitions


End-to-End Robotics Education

We’ve partnered with Avishkaar and Grobots to offer schools a comprehensive solution for teaching coding, robotics, electronics, IoT, and AI. Avishkaar provides DIY kits, curriculum, training, and competitions for a complete educational experience. Grobots offers innovative robotics solutions to help students engage in hands-on learning and develop essential skills.


Listen Anand Ingle , Director AVM Infotech Talk -How Robotics Lab and How Robotics Helps Develop 21st Century Skills


See What Others Had To Say About The Outcomes Experience

Dr. Prakash Choudhary

Director , Prestige Public School

"Thank you for both your coaching and the lively, worthwhile training session you provided for my staff. You helped me both personally and professionally, which is important for my business success."

Mrs Sadhna Walia

Principal , Stanford International Girls School

"What I liked most is your ability to mirror, and then articulate what’s going on based on what you sense which created so much awareness. You have such a solid presence!"

Ravi Khandelwal

Director Vedaant Vidyakulam

I would like to thank you for the coaching you have given me. Your style and method is very effective, helping me to refocus my energies and complete some major goals in my busy life."

Frequently Asked Questions

What skills do students develop with robotics?

Students develop critical thinking, creativity, coding, problem-solving, and collaboration skills which prepare them for the future.

Are the robotics kits easy to use?

Yes, the kits are designed to be user-friendly and offer a hands-on experience that’s engaging and easy to follow.

How do the robotics kits support learning?

The kits provide interactive learning experiences, helping students understand coding, robotics, electronics, and AI through fun, practical activities.

What is the role of competition in robotics education?

Competitions motivate students to apply their skills in real-world challenges, enhancing their learning experience and boosting creativity.

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