Robotics is a great way to Engage Kids Learn to Code

and develop 21st Century Skills

The World is changing faster than ever before. The Changes that would happen in next 10 Years would be much higher than those in Last 100 Years. We are in a period of Great Transformation and COVID’19 has accelerated changes in Various domains Like Education, Technology, Health. Technologies Which are driving this change are

  • Robotics and IoT
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Bio Technology
  • Tele Medicine and Remote Diagnostics
  • Virtual Reality
  • 3 D Printing
  • Cloud Computing
  • Quantum Computing
  • Block Chain Technology
  • Genetic Engineering
  • Green Energy
  • Natural Language Processing

As all the industries have become technology industry , 70% of the Careers will be in domain of STEM. As per World Economic Forum New Vision for Education children today in order to be successful need to develop 21st Century Skills


Robotics is a Great Way to Enhance

21st Century Skills

  • Scientific Literacy
  • Coding Skills
  • Critical Thinking Skills
  • Problem Solving Skills
  • Creativity
  • Curiosity
  • Communications and Collaboration Skills
  • Goal Orientation and Adaptability
  • Accountability and Project Management Skills
  • Design Thinking
  • Persistence and Grit

To Know Why Schools Should Invest in a Robotics Lab and How Robotics Helps Develop 21st Century Skills

We have partnered with Avishkaar , India's Leading Educational Robotics Kits Manufacturer, to offer End to End Solution for schools to teach Coding, Robotics, Electronics, IoT and AI . Avishkaar Offers a complete Ecosystem of DIY Kits , Curriculum , Training and Competitions

Took Kit
Robotic Lab

To Know Why Schools Should Invest in a Robotics Lab and How Robotics Helps Develop 21st Century Skills

Robotic Lab
Robotic Lab
Robotic Lab

Listen Anand Ingle , Director AVM Infotech Talk -How Robotics Lab and How Robotics Helps Develop 21st Century Skills