Language Lab Solutions

Computer based Language Learning Solution


Language Is Caught Not Taught

Natural Process of Acquiring Language is through LSRW

  • Listen : First One listens to sounds around
  • Speak : Than he starts speaking
  • Read : Than would come reading
  • Write : and Finally Would come writing

Whereas When it comes to academics the entire focus is on Reading and Writing , not on listening and speaking. Thats the reason majority of the students lack speaking skills.

Ekaksh Has developed a computer based language learning solution

  • Focusses on Developing L S R W
  • Designed Keeping in mind Indian Student
  • Provides Individualised Language Practice
  • One Can learn at his own pace
  • Has 3 Levels : Basic , Intermediate , Advanced
  • More than 200 Hours of content
  • Activities for Pronunciation
  • Activities for Grammar

Eurotalk Language Lab

World's Largest used Language Learning Program

  • Provides Language Learning in French , German , Chinese , English and 140 Plus Other Languages of the Globe
  • Modular with 4 to 5 levels for each language
  • Self Paced Learning with help in Mother tongue
  • Unique Dual Coding Memory Recall Method
  • Game Based Activities to Engage
  • Used by more than 10000 Institutions worldwide